A Catholic Eucharistic Community

Liturgy Committee

Liturgy Committee.

Members: Cindy Davis, Becky Thome, Jari Sinnwell, Joanne Robinson, Ellen Sheckler, Carrie Jones (music coordinator). Fr. Tom (pastor).


1. To assist the pastor in facilitating the liturgical prayer of the coummunity.

2. To nourish and give direction to the liturgical worship of the parish, including the elements of spirituality, music, environment, liturgical ministers, and attention to liturgical norms.


1. Pastor who, in the name of the bishop, is the principal liturgist.

2. Pastoral administrator and staff persons associated with the liturgy (liturgist, music director, musicians, RCIA coordinator).

3. Coordinators of various liturgical ministries (readers, extraordinary ministers of Coummunion, usicians, ushers/greeters, altar servers, sacristans, those who prepare the envionment).

4. Represenation may be solicited as needed from other parishioners whose contributions would be helpful to the committee.

5. The size of the committee is regulated in each parish to accommodate efficiency and effectiveness.


1. To engage in its own ongoing formation in order to develop an understanding of liturgical theology and litugrical spirituality.

2. To implement the liturgical guidelines issued by the univesal Church and the Archdiocese of Dubuque.

3. To collaborate with the pastor in order to prepare liturgical celebrations consistent with the theology and practice of the universal Church.

4. To assess liturgical celebrations with a view toward their strengths, weaknesses, and needed improvements.

5. To promote awareness of the liturgical year through various celebrations and prayer servives and through aesthetic environment.

6. To identify people qualified for various liturucal ministries of the parish, e.g., extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, all musicians, ministers of hospitality, readers, sacristans, servers, thsoe who prpeare the environment, etc.

7. To provide training and scheduling for the various liturgical ministers and to asses their performance.

8. To prepare guidelines for baptisms, weddings, and funerals in collaboration with the pastor, music coordinators, and those who coordinate their preparation.

9. To communicate the work of the committee to the pastoral council via written report or liaison.