A Catholic Eucharistic Community

Social Justice Committee

Members: Sr. Diana, Jim Davis, Jill Burgchardt, Kathy Fox, Mary Wandro, Julie Jung, Frank Rottinghaus, Dan Pavlovich


1. Continue the ministry of Jesus by service to marginalized persons and persons with special needs.

2. To promote and coordinate programs which will promote jusice and charity in full measure to all of God's children.

3. To provide opportunites for parishioners to respond to the social needs of today.


1. Appointed and/or vounteer according to the bylaws of the local pastoral council constitution

2. Demonstrated interest in justice, in serving the needy, and in promoting respect for all persons.


1. To study the papal encyclicals and statements of the USCCB and of the Iowa Catholic Conference which:

a. Describe our Catholic socials teachings

b. Assist us in advocating for just public policies by discerning the questions and the viable options.

2. To educate toward the realization that baptism calls each person to care for the needs of the univresal Church and the world.

3. To educate and motivate parishioners about issues relating to justice, peace, hunger, the marginalized.

4. To organize avenues for parishioners to respond directly to local needs.

5.  To coordinate and advocate for parish service programs and mission projects, parish twinning or partnership programs which promote solidarity, Thanksgiving  clothing drive, local food collections for the poor, special collections for the poor and for emergency diaster relief, semiannual collections for national and international organzations sponsored by the USCCB.

6. To be apprised of programs and resources available through Catholic Charities, the Archdiocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry, the Rural Life Conference, as well as Internet connections which can assist in education and networking, and also of the efforts for legislative advocacy coordinated by the Iowa Catholic Conference and the offices of the USCCB.

7. To promote systematic change by informing and empowering parishioners to use principles of community organizing. These primciples promote awareness of poverty, social analysis, and grassroots organizing so that the dignity and rights of each person may be preserved by social and religious institutions.

8. To practice social justice through direct service, through policy formation, advocacy, and any other means which promote justice and peace.

9. To communicate the work of the committee to the pastoral council via written report or liaison.