A Catholic Eucharistic Community

Parish Life Committee

Members: Val Biwer, Kathy Curl, Myron & Mary Ellen Daniel, Cathy Ott, Sandy Hebel, Sr. Diana, Mary Ann Hebert-Baldwin, Carman White.


1. To offer welcome to new parishioners and to foster a sense of belonging for all parishioners.

2. To provide activities which both build and strengthen community within the parish and in its outreach efforts.

3. To assist the pastor, pastoral associate, in the pastoral care of the parish community.


1. Parishioners who are genuinely convinced that the hospitality of the parish is an essential form of stewardship and evangelization.

2. Parishioners who are able to engage others for the nuts and bolts work of this committee.


1. To research and utilize various events (picnics, dances, putlucks, coffee and donuts after liturgies) and forms of communication (parish bulletin and Website) for building and maintaining coummunity.

2. To collaborate with all coummittess by providing the hospitality which makes gahtering welcoming and coumminity-building.

3. To establish small Christian communities to encourage deeper parish interrelations.

4. To strengthen and support couples in their marriages by providing enrichment activities, events, and resources.

5. To help strenghthen family life within the parish community by encouraging church activities and events which are family-centered at all stages of the famiy life cycle.

a. Young adults before marriage.

b. Newly marrried

c. Families with small children.

d. Families with adolescents.

e. Launching children and moving on

f. Couple later in life-- senior adults.

6. To provide outreach and resources to nontraditional families.

a. Singles.

b. Separated and divorced.

c. Widows and widowers.

7. To collaborate with the pastor, pastoral associate, to offer pastoral care to various memebrs who are hurting by:

a. Planning and supporting a parish visitation program to elderly, homebound, sick, and dying.

b. Planning and supporting a parish bereavement ministry- funeral dinners, grief support, etc.

8. To be inclusive and supportive of minority groups, multicultural diverse, and marginalized members.

9. To communicate the work of the committee to the pastoral council via written report or liaison.