Immaculate Conception Parish in Charles City, IA, is subject to the policies and regulations that proceed from the Archdiocesan Catholic School Board and the Archdiocesan Office of Faith Formation and Education. The Catholic school board serves as a standing committee of the parish pastoral council according to the Manual for Parish Pastoral Councils of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. All actions of the parish Catholic school board require the approval of the local pastor/PLC.
The parish Catholic school board shall be responsible for all aspects of the Catholic School in light of the six task of catechesis.
The board shall implement at the parish level the policies and regulations of the Archdiocesan Catholic School Board, State of Iowa, and the Office of Faith Formation and Education.
The board is the voice of the parish community in governance of the Catholic School including catechetical planning, goal setting, and policy development in accord with the intent and spirit of the Archdiocesan Faith Formation Commission and the Archdiocesan Catholic School Board.
- To ensure the Catholic identity of the Catholic school, whose central purpose is supporting role to the catechetical plan of the support parish, the educational apostolate of the Archdiocese, and the teaching mission of the Church.
- To oversee and evaluate the program for consistency with that mission.
- To work with the parish pastoral council and the committees of the parish pastoral council in maintaining open communication and awareness of school activities as part of the total parish catechetical plan.
- To work directly with the faith formation commission to coordinate faith formation initiatives and program calendars.
- To employ personnel according to state and Archdiocesan policy.
- To collaborate with the finance council of the parish, presenting its proposed gross budget for review and endorsement. After the gross budget for the school has been approved by the pastor, the program operates within that budget.
- To ensure that appropriate instructional materials are available for the school.
- To relate to local public school(s) and Area Education Agency (AEA) as needed.
- To establish a school improvement advisory committee (SIAC) and other state mandated advisory committees.
- To review and utilize all individual programs and state mandated needs assessment results for planning.
- To develop required discipline policies, in compliance with state law and Archdiocesan policy.
- To deal with complaints according to policy.
- To promote efforts in public relations, recruiting, and development.
- To make physical plant improvements in cooperation with the parish pastoral council and in compliance with Archdiocesan policy.
- To be accountable to the Archdiocesan Catholic School Board and implement its policies and those of the Archdiocesan Office of Faith Formation and Education.